Maisie's Corner

Our friend Maisie looks for kitchen and household items that are of a particular character and quality. Mostly what she brings home are items that aren't quite antique, but that aren't made anymore either, or at least not made the way they used to be.


Dansk Variation V flatware Dansk Variation V flatware
Dansk Variation V flatware Dansk Variation V flatware
Dansk Variation V flatware Dansk Variation V flatware
Dansk Variation V flatware Dansk Variation V flatware
Dansk Variation V flatware Dansk Variation V flatware
Dansk Variation V flatware


carved African mask carved African mask
African carving vase
Ceramic Vase by Deer Flat
$159.00 each, (1 in stock)
Copper mold pan goose sculpture


Kepp's Gripper  435


Desiree bowl red-brown handled bowls
Wilton trivet


vintage comb


Nupastel color sticks 263